I Want To Be A Fusilier

Arouse Britons for the Honour and Glory of Old England !

Now is the moment my noble-minded Countrymen, now is
the Crisis of our Country’s Fate !
Fly to the Standard of our Sovereign, hasten to
man his Fleets and augment his Armies!
By acting thus, Britons, you shall restore the native Resplendency of our
Beloved Country, chastise the Perfidious French and Spaniards, and again united to our Brethren in America, who have been so badly deluded from their Natural Allegiance by the sworn Enemies of All Englishmen.

ALL       REAL


Whose hearts are filled with Loyalty for the best of Kings, and Love for the Noblest of Constitutions,
and who are willing to maintain the Honour of OLD ENGLAND in Defiance of FRENCH and SPANISH Treachery, have now a noble Opportunity of obtaining immortal Renown, by repairing to the Standard of

His Majesty’s 23rd Regiment of Foot


Royal Welch Fusiliers


Major George Mack

The Sons of Freedom are alone worthy to support the Honour of OLD ENGLAND, and the Conduct
of the Noble Regiment of ROYAL WELCH FUSILIERS , shall prove that ENGLISHMEN never wanted Courage to defend their Wives, their Sweethearts, or their Firesides.
Such Gentlemen as choose to serve their King and Country in the above mentioned Regiment are desired to repair to the Drum-Head

                                                                                    GOD save the KING

Recruiter Contact Infomation


All Able bodied, intrepid heroes, who are willing to serve his majesty King George III…
and all who have an active interest in being a part of our organization, whether fielding as a foot soldier, or by supporting the regiment as one of our Associate members, are encouraged to, first review the “Information for the New Recruit from Major Mack” then, contact one our recruiters.  Note: Click on the Recruiter Contact Information Link in the menu to the top left of the page to locate a recruiter near you. Or, leave a message in the message block below and one of our recruiters will get back to you…
Ich Dien!!!

2 thoughts on “I Want To Be A Fusilier

    • RWFIA_Admin Post author

      Hello, Thank you for your interest in the 23rd Regiment of Foot, Royal Welch Fusiliers in America. Please go to our “I want to be a fusilier” page and contact Dennis Murphy, our regimental recruiter. His contact info is on that page. Dennis will be able to answer any questions you may have.


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